Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Genetically altered foods are very scary to me. Sure, it opens up a whole new range of what is possible with food, but there are so many unknown risks and consequences that we have no way of anticipating. Making resistant strains of corn may cause resistant weeds and bugs, just like the use of anti-bacterial soaps leaves the 0.01% of germs stronger. Unfortunately, genetic engineering of food is not only for the more resistant plants. It also is for the profit of the companies that make them. There are companies that take out the ability to reproduce in the plants, so that once the plant has grown and given fruit, it cannot make more fruit, and the farmer has to buy more seeds from the company.
But there are always good things that can come from these "freaks" of nature. perhaps there can be medicine spliced in with an apple, so that children do not have to fuss over taking pills and syrups. Maybe one day there will be a time where we can know the repercussions of is done to the plants before they are released, and that would be ideal, but i do not see this happening any time soon, and without knowing what will happen, good or bad, then i do not think we should be meddling in this area of science.

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