Just the other day I was wondering why there was no person comparable to da Vinci living today. It cannot be that there is nothing left to be discovered or invented. Then I got to thinking that the way that da Vinci learned was totally different from our school structure today. Within our school system we have requirements that have to be fulfilled in order to pass. While it is like a safeguard to make sure that people have the correct knowledge to continue their education, it makes for students who dread going to school. This dread of classes makes it so the student does not like going to class and does only the minimum to get by. After the student is done with their required learning they have formed a habit to do the bare minimum to get by. This is part of the reason that we do not have a da Vinci of our time, people rarely go out into the world and learn about everything they can. They have this notion in their head that learning is dreadful and certainly cannot be enjoyable. Granted in da Vinci’s time there was a lot left to discover about what we today consider common knowledge. Perhaps for there to be a da Vinci of our time, this person has to be well versed in the most complex knowledge in many different areas, but who would want to take the time to learn all that?
Newman presents a good point when he says that if all learning was together, there would be people all around that we could learn from from all different interests. This would help us be more well rounded so that we can have a better grasp on all aspects of life rather than a narrow specialty.
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